

Hello to the world wide web and those of you who happen to stumble across this web page.

As a modest individual, sharing my thoughts/ideas/opinions is a new venture. While I have always enjoyed writing and putting my thoughts down on paper, I have never considered myself worthy of public viewing - not due to a fear of criticism, merely afraid of appearing pretentious. However, I seek constant improvement as a person and enjoy discussions on a myriad of topics. So this blog is my attempt to generate conversation and hopefully make a few new friends along the way.

I will spare you all the monotonous details of my daily life and entries titled 'what I did this weekend..' Instead the posts to follow will be amateur attempts at new album/concert reviews, the occasional opinion on life and significant events, and all other things music-related.

So thank you for viewing and remember that I enjoy discussions, so comments are encouraged!

On a different note, I am currently working on compiling a list of my Top 10 Albums & Songs of all time. Thus far the list includes bands such as; Radiohead, Dear & the Headlights, Pink Floyd, Russian Circles, and 16 other bands as I have created a 'preliminary list', which will be cleaned up and narrowed down. This will be a difficult task, but one I am already enjoying.

Stay tuned for updates...

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