
Best albums of '09 (thus far)

I've been thinking ahead to the end of the year, and wondering which albums will be included in my top 10 of 2009. So I thought I'd put together a preliminary list of my top 10 albums so far. I'm sure there will be changes in the rankings, additions, deletions, etc. (especially knowing Brand New has their new album coming out in a few weeks..). But I think 2009 has been a pretty solid year for music, there have been some very impressive albums released.

So as of September 7th, my list is as follows:

1. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

2. Animal Collective - Meriweather Post Pavilion

3. Stardeath and White Dwarfs - The Birth

4. Mew - No More Stories...

5. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love

6. The Appleseed Cast - Sagarmatha

7. Sleeping at Last - Storyboards

8. The Most Serene Republic - ...And the Ever Expanding Universe

9. Manchester Orchestra - Mean Everything to Nothing


I'm going to just leave # 10 intentionally blank because I'm that confident the spot will be filled by Brand New. I'm also looking forward to Minus the Bear's latest.

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